
 Our projects are funded by various fund-raising events and some generous donations from businesses and individuals in and around Mthatha. Our fund-raising events include Fun Runs, Movie Nights, Cultural Evenings, Sports Days and many more.

Pap Smear Campaign 

Women with vision, meaningfully celebrated Women’s month 2021, by partnering with Dr Giyose and a team of Drs, to administer free pap smear procedures (to test for cervical cancer) to 125 underprivileged women in Polar Park and Hillcrest. A big thank you to Mthatha community- Impilo laboratories, Mthatha Plaza pharmacy, Madeira pharmacy and Panarottis, for opening your hearts and wallets and donating generously to this cause. Your support has made this project a huge success.
Our next papsmear campaign is scheduled for 8-9 of December and will be dedicated to Payne and Zimbane women.
Wathinta Bafazi. Wathinti mbokodo.

Teenage Grooming Programme

This year, we decided to start the Teenage Grooming Programme. We invite 10 boys and 10 girls between the ages of 10 and 12 (just before they become teenagers) to groom them. This involves spending 1 day with them and providing life coaching on various topics, including general hygiene, dental care, table etiquette, yoga, arts and craft sessions and much more. Our first session was a huge success and the kids loved the experience. We plan to spend 1 day each quarter for 1 year with the same group, so that each class of students receives 4 1 day sessions over the year.

Flea Market
We run a flea market once a month and invite various local vendors to come sell their goods. Our flea markets have been very successful and have become a fun activity for families in Mthatha to enjoy a day out while supporting a good cause.
Donated Wheel Chair
We were very happy to be able to support Lathitha Sompetha, a child with cerebral palsy, with a wheel chair.
Soup Kitchen
It has come to our notice that in Mthatha there are underprivileged people who don’t have enough income to
cater for daily needs like food. We as “Women with Vision” has decided to run a “Soup Kitchen” once a week
for which we receive support for from our generous sponsors!
Polar Park Project - Construction of new pre-school building
The pre-school in Polar Park, which accommodates 55 children, is currently made from tin sheets and is in terrible condition. This is not the type of environment that any child should be learning in. Seeing this, Women With Vision initiated conversations with the community, and we have received the go ahead to construct a proper pre-school building for the children! All proceeds from our 2015 fundraising events- Masquerade Ball, High Tea and Mthatha's Got Talent will be used for this project. We are currently in need of additional assistance to finance this project and reach out to all willing to support us through this endeavor. Below are photos of the old structure which was used for the children and Women with Vision together with community members after the it has been taken down, respectively.


Happy Homes Expansion Project
We have successfully completed this project and the building is already full of happy children! See the photos below:
Other Projects

 Yearly Projects:

  • Monthly parties for all orphanages/Homes.
  • Free eye testing and glasses for the children of Efata School for the Blind.
  • Partial school fee bursaries for needy and deserving school children.
  • Monthly support for various orphanages upon request.
  • Groceries donation by Model school to Women With Vision for the needy.
  • Funding for extramural activities for unprivileged kids.
  • 67 minutes at Empelweni home every year.

2018 Projects:

  • Dental hygiene awareness to school kids.
  • Red Robot project, sanitary pad distribution to rural school girls.
  • Specialized Wheel chair donation to Cerebral palsy Child.

Forthcoming 2019 projects:

  • Soup kitchen in Hill crest on every Saturdays.
  • Second chance project: Motivational speaker  Jerryd Smith and his team from Cape Town for drug addiction problem and life skills for different schools.
  • Renovation of Emmanuel day care center at Slovo Park and Ikamva Lomntwana Preschool at Bongweni location.
  • Initiating Youth Programme in June (Grooming of few orphanage kids).

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