"It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness"


Our Mission…

Women with vision is an organization which was established in 2007 in Mthatha in the Eastern Cape of South Africa by a group of friends who could no longer turn a blind eye and aim to assist the underprivileged children and families in Mthatha and around South Africa, Mthatha is an expanding city where many are gaining wealth rapidly. Many more, however, fall in between the cracks and are struggling to survive – to feed, educate and clothe their children We cannot ignore the hardships of those around us who suffer. Women with Vision has grown to be a group of women dedicated to doing something to reach out together and make a difference.

We are growing and reaching out to all of SA to raise funds for worthy causes in our country, most of them involving children. Our aim is to better the lives of those who are suffering, to encourage and strengthen those who are struggling against great odds, and to make a positive difference in our country

We are a registered, non-profit organisation all the funds we raise go directly to various projects in and around South Africa. Together making a differance 


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