Support Us

We are a registered NPO (065-344-NPO) with the Department of Welfare and all contributions to Women With Vision are tax deductible under Section 18A of the Income Tax Act.

We raise funds through events and work in partnership with various interested and supportive businesses and individuals in Mthatha. If you identify with our simple goal of wanting to help the less fortunate and would like to contribute to our cause please contact us:

 Rashida Mukadam: 082 202 1026  

Tersha Underwood: 0839568455

                                                                                                 Nelisa Petse : 072 300 3699                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


Join Us

We started in 2008 and currently have 35 members. Anyone who wants to make a difference, is willing to pay the small monthly membership subscription and, most of all, wants to help make a difference, is welcome to join us.

Complete the form and we will contact you


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